Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm All Alone!

Oh wow! Everyone has left this house and I'm all by myself. YEH!!!! Kenzi went back to school and Paul has gone to SL to help his nephew work for the week.

It has been so long since I've been by myself. I have already cleaned the laundry room, swept, moved Paul's clothes to the garage that should have been in the garage since June (work clothes and boots), done all the laundry, filled the car with gas, took my laundry money to Coinstar and redeemed $30 bucks, planted mums in the front yard, watered and did some weeding. WHEW! I love it! I can get so much done and I don't have anyone yelling at me trying to find me or anything.

I'll fill you in on what I accomplish in the next few days. The weather has turned alittle chilly and fall is slightly in the air. I'm not quite ready but it's coming. . . I have some fall DIY projects that I want to do. This one is a simple one that I'm going to try for Friday night. I have a dinner planned here for the yoga girls. I'll give it a try. But stay tuned for more. :D

1 comment:

Mary Ellen said...

Sooooo fun! I totally get what you are saying about gettin stuff done! No one asking for anything and the little breaks on the couch for some soda or coffee and a little computer time or TV and then off to work again. I don't know what it is about working with someone home. It's not even like Jim is even talking to me or asking me anything...but I just don't have my mojo. So you go go go! And the candles and candy corn are adorable!

Also, remind me to ask you sometime about yoga...k?

Love ya!