Monday, January 18, 2010

The Eagle Has Landed

Today we enjoyed 50 degree weather and we felt like it was spring. Paul, Kenz and I went outside and laid on the deck for about a 1/2 hour. It was wonderful. We soaked in the rays for as long as we could. The river was beautiful. They're were some little patches of ice floating along and it was cool. After we went inside, cleaning and hanging out, Kenzi said, "There's an awfully big bird in the tree." We looked out and it was an Eagle. He had a pretty good size fish in his beak and was hanging on with those huge talons just chomping away. It was the coolest thing ever watching him devour that fish. It is amazing how big and strong he was. When he was done which was all of about 10 min. he just sat there perched for about another 10. Finally he spread his beautiful wings and flew across the river. He found alittle patch of ice and sat for a moment then away he went again.
How lucky we are to live in this little piece of heaven. I love it...


Elise said...

How COOL! You don't see that every day, I don't know if I have ever seen an eagle.

Erin said...

I'd be careful bragging about how good you are in nursery!! I am in the presidency, and you could wind up being Isaac's personal assistant!